Kudos! Awesome work my friend. Really like the sytle and the lip syncing.
Kudos! Awesome work my friend. Really like the sytle and the lip syncing.
Really enjoyed this peice. Nice transitions with the changing background that coordinated with the voiceovers. Great touch.
Freaking Hilarious!
Just awesome, love the story and the execution was flawless. Very nice us ofe limited animation, strong character designs, and great story.
Ver cool and stylized aniamtion. Really enjoyed the voice acting.
Every now and then I rate an animation on this site and question as to weahter or not it really deserves it. This is because of the types or crop of work we have to judge. Anyhow very few animations come along and challenge me to question or compare the reason I rate the animations the way I have, until now. This is great stuff. Kudos to you and your team.
Freaking Hilarious. Awsome parody of Naruto. The animation here is just as good as that episode's.
An animation worth 10 starts but limited to 5. Awesome work dude! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!
Nice parody. I wonder if cyclops survived. LOL!
Not too many people can pull off a Seinfeld Paradoy. Nicely, done guys.
Graphic Artist
Savannah College of Art
Miami, FL
Joined on 6/8/09